Thursday, March 09, 2006

College Buzz

Last night, watching the news, there was word of an apparent error in scoring on one of the most important tests high schoolers face each year, the SATs. In a prepared statement on their website,, the folks behind the SAT admit the error and say it affected approximately 4,000 students. That led us to wonder if anyone in Lancaster County was affected. If you were, post a comment in reply to this post and let us know!

Did you know that while accessing the Internet or visiting the library, you can pull together information on college searches to make the right choice for you? At the same site,, you can find a college finder with information on schools as well as a "College Matchmaker" that can guide you through a series of steps and criteria to find the right school for you based on your interests.

At, you can access some of the most respected and well known profiles of schools.

Once you find a school, if you need help paying for it, the Federal Government's Finanical Aid website, provides all the applications and information you need to apply. PA residents are eligible for state help too through the Pennsylvania Higher Education Associaton,

To search for other grants and scholarships, a leading site full of information is Set up a profile, tell the service what you're looking for, and it will be out there hunting for information for you.

A web search can prove very rewarding too, as based on your unique set of circumstances and qualifications, there could be a unique grant or scholarship out there for you. Stopping in your high school's career center or visiting with a librarian, we'll be glad to help you wherever we can as you start your school search!

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