Thursday, August 31, 2006

A rest from our labors...

Just a reminder that Lancaster Public Library, and our three branches will all be closed on both Saturday, September 2nd and Monday, September 4th to commemorate the Labor Day Weekend Holiday.

Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, September 5th.

Winner of New Laptop is ready for school!

Nick Hess was the winning bidder at our first ever auction of prizes to end the 2006 Summer Reading Program.

To continue encouraging our teen readers (ages 13-18) to continue reading beyond the 27 hour minimums this year, LPL offered "Library Loot" to each teen. And, boy did they all keep on reading! By the end of summer, thousands of hours were read, and lots of loot was handed out!

On Friday, August the 18th, 42 teens arrived after the library had closed to enjoy a pizza party and to look through the prizes. Bids then started to be placed, on everything from book bags and hair care products to the winning grand prize.

Thanks to the generous support of the Lancaster Rotary and several individual rotarians, the library was able to obtain a brand new Toshiba Laptop Computer with a printer and carrying case. And, at the end of the night, Nick was able to cash in his loot and take it all home.

We hope that all the teens had fun, and we're already beginning to plan for next year. Take a peek at a couple of photos from the event.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The blog is back!

It has been a while since our blog has been updated, and we apologize for that. It was a busy summer around the library, and the blog sort of took a back seat. But as we move into fall, we're back in business and hope to make the blog a hot spot for you to check out on a regular basis once again!

As we move into September and October, we have two sets of programs that you might be interested in! Our Preschool Playdates occur on Tuesdays between September 12 and October 24 at 10:30 a.m. with general games and activities for your little ones up through pre-schoolers.

Also, our Preschool Storytimes will resume on September 14 and run through October 26 on Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. with stories, crafts, and snacks too!

While you're visiting this blog, we invite you to add another one to your list and check it regularly too! Created by our own Reference Librarian, Donna Scanlon, Book Talk @ Duke Street, at gives you reader's advisory suggestions, and publishing related news and more!

Check back tomorrow for a Summer Recap (with photos) and on Friday, information about a program that debuts next week!